Writing & Poetry Competitions & Submissions – September 2024

Autumn is on its way and with this new season of mellow fruitfulness comes over 150 fresh poetry competitions, writing submissions and opportunities open or with deadlines in September 2024.

And we’re dipping into those back to school memories for inspiration in a new writing prompt for September over on the blog exploring the best and worst of our educational experiences. Recall your glory days or exorcise those demons, once and for all!

A new series of 8-week Autumn Poetry group workshops have just begun and there is still one spot available in both the Wednesday and Sunday afternoon sessions. As these groups are already underway, I’m happy to offer a discount for the missed first session. If you’re interested and would like to join, hit reply and I’ll send you the details.

September also marks Wordbox’s third anniversary! 🎉🎉🎉

The idea was born during a writing retreat at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre in Co. Monaghan, after a couple of days of thought-provoking conversation with other artists and writers about how we create sustainable working lives.

I was already teaching and mentoring for literary organisations at this time but I wanted to do things differently. Over the course of a day, I mapped out how I wanted to grow as both a writer and a teacher/mentor on a series of record cards, strewn across the workspace floor.

I also planned a book using this same method - it’s still ‘cooking’ though!

The cards sat in a drawer until COVID-19 and lockdown created the space and time for me to go back again, and figure out how to put these ideas into action. I took a number of business courses to bring my entrepreneurial skills up to date and in September 2021, everything came together under the new Wordbox banner.

To celebrate its 3rd birthday, I’ll be sharing a few special events and offers over the course of this month – if you haven’t already, sign up to the mailing list to avoid missing out!

Whatever you’re up to with your writing this month — drafting, honing, editing or submitting — I wish you every luck and success. Please consider sharing a link to this post on your own blog or social media pages. Thank you!

Writing Courses and Events:

If you’re looking for a writing course or feedback on your writing, here’s what’s coming up in September and October at Wordbox.


Wordbox 8-week Poetry Workshop Groups - New season of poetry feedback workshops to edit and refine work for publication.

Wordbox One-to-One Mentoring Sessions - One-hour online conversation based on 6 poems (180 lines) submitted in advance.


The Winter Almanac | A Writing Journey in January

Gods & Monsters | Writing the Greek Myths & Legends

Miracle Machine | Writing the Body

More self-study courses to be announced shortly - keep an eye on your inbox.

Keep in Touch

For the latest poetry lists, writing prompts, events and news, find Wordbox online here:

Please save/follow these links and remember, if the list is not already on the blog, it’s not published.

Alternatively, have the list delivered direct to your inbox by joining the mailing list here.

Support the Monthly Submissions List

If you find the monthly submissions list useful, and would like to show your appreciation to keep it as an open resource for writers in 2024, please click one of the buttons below and make a small contribution - a €12 donation is suggested but any and all contributions are greatly appreciated.


And, if you have the means, please consider making a monthly contribution by selecting that box on the Paypal link. Thank you for your support.

Submission Opportunities in September 2024

Dogwood Literary – Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction – closes 5 Sept (submit online)

RSL Literature Matters – New original writing (multiples genres) – closes 6 Sept (submit online)

Juniper Poetry Journal – Poetry – closes 7 Sept (submit online)

Aesthetica Magazine Creative Writing Award – Poetry, Fiction – closes 8 Sept - Deadline Extended (submit online)

MacDowell Fellowship – All disciplines – closes 10 Sept (submit online)

Ink Sweat & Tears – Poetry, Prose, Film Poems & more, theme: (re)place – closes 15 Sept (submit online)

Queens English Poetry Competition – Poetry – closes 15 Sept (submit online)

The Science Museum Celebrates National Poetry Day – Poetry – closes 15 Sept (submit online)

Westival International Poetry Competition – Poetry – closes 15 Sept (submit online)

Wetherby Festival Comedy Poem Competition – Poetry – closes 15 Sept (submit online)

Red Line Book Festival Poetry Competition – Poetry (unpublished poets only) – closes 16 Sept (submit online)

Island Magazine – Poetry – closes 18 Sept (submit online)

Palette Poetry Rising Poet Prize – Poetry (unpublished poets only) – closes 22 Sept (submit online)

Bold Types: Scottish Women’s Creative Writing Competition – Poetry, Fiction, theme: Hope – closes 23 Sept (submit online)

Troubadour International Poetry Competition – Poetry – closes 23 Sept (submit online)

Togetherness Poetry Challenge – Poetry (UK only) – closes 24 Sept (submit online)

The Michael Marks Awards for Poetry Pamphlets – Poetry, Publishing, Illustration – closes 27 Sept (submit online)

Allingham Writing Competitions – Poetry, Flash – closes 29 Sept (submit online)

The Madrigal/The Martello An Áitúil Anthology – Poetry, Prose, theme: The Local in Ireland – closes 29 Sep (submit online)

Bad Lilies – Poetry – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

Blue Bottle Journal – Poetry – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

Freefall Magazine  – Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, Art  – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

Frosted Fire Single Poem Competition – Poetry, theme: The Beginning of the End – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

Gutter Magazine – Poetry, Prose – opens 6 Sept - 30 Sept (submit online)

Hammond House International Literary Prize – Poetry, Fiction – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

Kenyon Review  – Poetry, Fiction, Flash, Essays and more, themes: Translation, Architecture, Lyric Essay, Cinema, Visitation – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

Lunch Ticket: Amuse Bouche – All genres – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

Okay Donkey – Poetry, Flash – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

Passionfruit Poetry Prize – Poetry – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

Philip Levine Prize for Poetry – Poetry manuscript (48-80 pages) – closes 30 Sept (submit online) 

Presence Haiku Journal – Haiku, Senryu, Tanka, Haibun, other haiku-related poetry – closes 30 Sept (submit online) 

Rhino Poetry Founders Prize  – Poetry – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

Shearsman Magazine – Poetry – closes 30 Sept (submit online) 

Southword Editor’s Poetry Award – Poetry – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

The Moth Nature Writing Prize – Poetry, Prose – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

The Plaza Poetry Prize – Poetry (max 20 lines) – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

The Poetry Kit Ekphrastic Poetry Competition – Poetry – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

The X.J. Kennedy Poetry Prize – Poetry manuscript (50-100 pages) – closes 30 Sept (submit online)

The Glenna Luschei Prize for African Poetry – Poetry books – closes 1 Oct (submit online)

The Iowa Review – Poetry, Fiction – closes 1 Oct (submit online)

Tom Howard / Margaret Reid Poetry Contest – Poetry – closes 1 Oct (submit online)

Oppenheim-John Downes Memorial Trust – Professional writers, artists & designers over the age of 30 and experiencing financial difficulty  – closes 2 Oct (submit online)

After the End Poetry Competition – Poetry, theme: Time and Temporality – closes 3 Oct (submit online)

Irish-language Writer in Residence: Dublin City University – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction, Children’s Fiction & Poetry – closes 3 Oct (submit online)

Writer in Residence: Dublin City University – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction, Children’s Fiction & Poetry – closes 3 Oct (submit online)

Writer in Residence: Maynooth University – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction, Children’s Fiction & Poetry – closes 3 Oct (submit online)

Writer in Residence: University of Galway – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction, Children’s Fiction & Poetry – closes 3 Oct (submit online)

Writer’s Fellowship: Trinity College Dublin – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction, Children’s Fiction & Poetry – closes 3 Oct (submit online)

Writer in Residence: University College Cork – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction, Children’s Fiction & Poetry – closes 3 Oct (submit online)

Writer in Residence: University College Dublin – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction, Children’s Fiction & Poetry – closes 3 Oct (submit online)


Ó Bhéal Five Words – Poetry – deadline each week, annual prize (submit online)


Arts & Disability Connect – All artistic disciplines – closes 8 Oct (submit online)

Waltham Forest Poetry Competition – Poetry – closes 14 Oct (submit online)

Cheltenham Poetry Festival International Poetry Prize – Poetry – closes 20 Oct (submit online)

Ironbridge Festival Poetry Competition – All disciplines – closes 20 Oct (submit online)

Iota Shot Pamphlet Awards – Poetry manuscript (16-25 pages) – closes 21 Oct (submit online)

Manchester Cathedral Poetry Competition – Poetry, theme: Ecopoetry and place (max. 30 lines) – closes 23 Oct (submit online)

The Dark Poets Prize – Poetry, – closes 25 Oct (submit online)

Anthology Poetry Competition – Poetry – closes 31 Oct (submit online)

National Poetry Competition – Poetry – closes 31 Oct (submit online)

New Writing Scotland – Poetry, Fiction, Flash, Nonfiction Drama, Artwork & More – closes 31 Oct (submit online)

The Bedford Competition – Poetry, Fiction – closes 31 Oct (submit online)

Trio International Poetry Competition – Poetry – closes 31 Oct (submit online)


Acumen – Poetry – open (submit online)

Agenda – Poetry, Essays, Reviews – open (submit online)

A New Ulster – Poetry, Fiction, Artwork – open (submit online)

Anthropocene – Poetry – open (submit online)

Antiphony – Poetry, Nonfiction – open (submit online)

Apartment Poetry – Poetry – open (submit online)

Atrium – Poetry – open (submit online)

Bear Review – Poetry, Fiction, Essays, Artwork – open (submit online)

Bending Genres – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction – open (submit online)

Carve Magazine – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction – open (submit online)

Confingo Publishing – Poetry, Fiction, Art, Photography – open (submit online)

Crow & Cross Keys – Poetry, Fiction, Flash, theme: Gothic – open (submit online)

Crowstep Journal – Poetry – open (submit online)

Damnation – Poetry, Prose, Flash – open (submit online)

Disabled Tales – Poetry, Fiction, Essay – open (submit online)

Dreich Mag – Poetry – open (submit online)

Driftwood Press – Poetry, Fiction, Literary Criticism – open (submit online)

Dust Poetry – Poetry – open (submit online)

Empty House Press – Poetry, Prose Poetry, Flash, Hybrid  – open (submit online)

Empty Mirror – Poetry, Non-fiction, Visual Art (committed to diversity & inclusion) – open (submit online)

Fecund Journal – Poetry, Fiction, Essay & more (POC only) – open (submit online)

Frontier Poetry – Poetry – open (submit online)

Fruit Journal – Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction, Hybrid (LGBTQI+, with emphasis on unheard voices – POC, trans, working class) – open (submit online)

Guernica – Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Photo Essays – open (submit by post)

Hosking Houses Trust Residencies – Women writers over 40 (all genres – must have contract to publish / broadcast / perform) – open (submit online)

LitMag – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Essays – open (submit online)

Little Engines – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Essays – open (submit online)

Lunate – Poetry, Fiction, Flash – open (submit online)

Narrative Mag – Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction. Plays – open (submit online)

New Contrast – Poetry, Fiction – open (submit online)

Neon Magazine – Poetry, Flash, Art and more – open (submit online)

Obsessed with Pipework – Poetry – open (submit online)

Omelette Literary Magazine – Poetry, Visual Poetry, Fiction, Flash, Creative Non-fiction & more – open (submit online)

One – Poetry, a single poem – open (submit online)

Only Poems – Poetry – open (submit online)

Orbis – Poetry – open (submit by post (UK) or online (overseas only))

Palette Poetry – Poetry (under-represented and marginalized voices of all colors encouraged to submit) – open (submit online)

Peepal Tree Press – Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction manuscripts from Black & Caribbean writers – open (submit online)

Pigeon Pages – Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction – open (submit online)

POETRY Magazine – Poetry (submit online)

Poetry Ireland Review – Poetry – open (submit by post)

Poetry London – Poetry – open (submit by post or online)

Poetry Salzburg – Poetry – open (submit by post or online)

Poetry Wales – Poetry – open (submit by post or online)

Porridge Magazine – Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction, Art – open (submit online)

PN Review – Poetry, Essays, Reviews – open (submit by post)

Prelude – Poetry – open (submit online)

Prism International – Poetry, Fiction, Creative nonfiction, Translation – open (submit online)

Prole – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction – open (submit online)

Psaltery & Lyre – Poetry, Fiction, Flash, Hybrid – open (submit online)

Riggwelter – Poetry, Short Fiction, Visual Art – (submit online)

River Styx – Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction, Drama, Visual Art – open (submit online)

Shakespeare & Co Tumbleweeds Residency – all writers – open (submit online)

Sine Theta Magazine – Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction, Art (Sino diaspora only. People of Chinese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, or Macau heritage, who live anywhere away from the original ‘homeland’ of that heritage – rolling deadlines, email to express interest (submit online)

Spry Literary Journal – Poetry, Fiction, Flash, Creative Non-fiction, Artwork – open (submit online)

Squawk Back – Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction, Reviews, Plays – open (submit online)

Stand Magazine – Poetry, Fiction – open (submit online)

Stepaway Magazine – Poetry, Flash Fiction, theme: walking in the city – open (submit online)

Sunday Mornings at the River – Poetry – open (submit online)

Tab Journal – Poetry, Poetics – open (submit online)

Tears in the Fence – Poetry – open (submit online)

The Brooklyn Quarterly – Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction, Translation, Humour – open (submit online)

The Curly Mind – Poetry, theme: experimental – open (submit online)

The Dalloway – Poetry, Fiction, Flash – open (submit online)

The Dark Horse – Poetry – open (submit by post)

The Galway Review – Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction, Reviews, Plays – open (submit online)

The Lake – Poetry – open (submit online)

The Lascaux Review – Poetry, Fiction, Essays – open (submit online)

The Lincoln Review – Poetry, Flash, Creative Non-fiction, Essays and more (actively encourages writers, artists, and photographers who come from marginalised and underprivileged backgrounds) – open (submit online)

The London Magazine – Poetry, Non-Fiction, Art – open (submit online)

The Missouri Review – Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction – open (submit online)

The New Absurdist – Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction – open (submit online)

The New Yorker – Poetry, Fiction – open (submit online)

The Offing – Poetry, Translation, Art and more – open (submit online)

The Orphic Review – Poetry, Art – open (submit online)

The Oxonian – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Translation – open (submit online)

The Poetry Village – Poetry – open (submit online)

The Poetry Review – Poetry – open (submit online)

The Pomegranate – Poetry, Fiction, Flash, Nonfiction, theme: Writing about Artists – open (submit online)

The Seventh Quarry – Short Poetry – open (submit online)

The Southeast Review – Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Reviews, Artwork – open (submit online)

The Sun Magazine – Poetry, Fiction, Essays, Interviews – open (submit online)

The Times Literary Supplement – Poetry (submit by post)

Tinderbox Poetry Journal – Poetry – open (submit online)

Trasna – Poetry, Fiction, Essays (open to writers across the world who consider Ireland a home in some regard) – open (submit online)

Wildness – Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction – open (submit online)

Wishbone Words – Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Visual Art & more (disabled and chronically ill writers/artists) – open (submit online)

Best of luck!

If you have a poetry competition or journal with a deadline in SEPTEMBER 2024, and it is not included above, feel free to send me the details.

Angela Carr

Angela T. Carr is a neurodivergent poet, creative writing facilitator and mentor, and recipient of an Arts Council Literature Award 2021. Winner of The Poetry Business 2018 Laureate's Prize, her work has been placed or shortlisted in over 40 national and international competitions, selected by renowned poets like Liz Berry, Daljit Nagra, Wendy Cope, Rafeef Ziadah, John F. Deane, Andrew McMillan, Rebecca Perry, Doireann Ní Ghríofa, and former UK Poet Laureate, Dame Professor Carol Ann Duffy.

Originally from Glasgow, she lives in Dublin.


Back to School | September Writing Prompt