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COST: €45/60

Caesar, Marco Polo, Galileo, Da Vinci, Montessori, Prada.
For millennia, Italy and its people have explored, conquered and shaped the modern world.

From the heart of the Mediterranean, the influence of the ‘Bel Paese’ has reached far across Europe and the globe, through Empire, exploration and immigration, carrying with it its rich cultural heritage, including language, history, philosophy, science, industry, art, music, literature, film, fashion, food, wine and much more.

This July, join me for an Italian idyll and 30 days of writing prompts where we’ll explore ‘the sweet life’ and discover exactly what the Romans (and the Venetians, Milanese, Florentines, Sicilians…) have done for us, though your daily writing practice.

Every day you will receive an email with a short essay about the day’s theme and a writing tip, plus oodles of poetry, visual and musical inspiration.


  • Daily prompts and inspiration delivered direct by email.

  • Access to the end of challenge Group Reading.

  • Access to private Facebook group and writing community.

Not available after 3 August 2024.

For full details go to the La Dolce Vita Home Page >>>


COST: €45/60

Caesar, Marco Polo, Galileo, Da Vinci, Montessori, Prada.
For millennia, Italy and its people have explored, conquered and shaped the modern world.

From the heart of the Mediterranean, the influence of the ‘Bel Paese’ has reached far across Europe and the globe, through Empire, exploration and immigration, carrying with it its rich cultural heritage, including language, history, philosophy, science, industry, art, music, literature, film, fashion, food, wine and much more.

This July, join me for an Italian idyll and 30 days of writing prompts where we’ll explore ‘the sweet life’ and discover exactly what the Romans (and the Venetians, Milanese, Florentines, Sicilians…) have done for us, though your daily writing practice.

Every day you will receive an email with a short essay about the day’s theme and a writing tip, plus oodles of poetry, visual and musical inspiration.


  • Daily prompts and inspiration delivered direct by email.

  • Access to the end of challenge Group Reading.

  • Access to private Facebook group and writing community.

Not available after 3 August 2024.

For full details go to the La Dolce Vita Home Page >>>

COST: €45/60

Caesar, Marco Polo, Galileo, Da Vinci, Montessori, Prada.
For millennia, Italy and its people have explored, conquered and shaped the modern world.

From the heart of the Mediterranean, the influence of the ‘Bel Paese’ has reached far across Europe and the globe, through Empire, exploration and immigration, carrying with it its rich cultural heritage, including language, history, philosophy, science, industry, art, music, literature, film, fashion, food, wine and much more.

This July, join me for an Italian idyll and 30 days of writing prompts where we’ll explore ‘the sweet life’ and discover exactly what the Romans (and the Venetians, Milanese, Florentines, Sicilians…) have done for us, though your daily writing practice.

Every day you will receive an email with a short essay about the day’s theme and a writing tip, plus oodles of poetry, visual and musical inspiration.


  • Daily prompts and inspiration delivered direct by email.

  • Access to the end of challenge Group Reading.

  • Access to private Facebook group and writing community.

Not available after 3 August 2024.

For full details go to the La Dolce Vita Home Page >>>

What Writers Say About Wordbox 30-Day Challenges:

‘Educational, inspiring - and fun! I really enjoy the openness of these prompts, the widely researched sample poems provide a very broad interpretation. this is all about ideas and includes any form or voice you want to use. It's not at all how to write a poem, although the top tip can be followed to get a good idea of one way of doing it. I enjoy the facebook community, everybody is encouraging, and it's great to see the different approaches. I will always sign up for these 30 day challenges, they are brilliant. Thank you, Angela!’ — Jane Wheeler, UK (Songs of a Pagan Place)

‘The quality, detail and variety - visual, aural and intellectual in the daily prompts was very impressive. A huge amount of work has obviously gone into putting it together. I would highly recommend it as a daily kick start - and the suggested 15 mins exercise makes it very manageable, yet with material to carry on much further as you wish. The revisitable format of the emails mean you can come back to complete at any stage - a real boon. Great value - I wouldn't hesitate to recommend.’ — Paul Bregazzi, Ireland (Songs of a Pagan Place)

‘We all need fresh starts, so when Angela’s NaPoWriMo workshop came up it enticed me immediately. The Irish theme and the daily prompts were just what I needed to learn something new and leap off into some interesting draft writing. It was really great and good value for the $ spent. Thanks, Angela!’ — Lesley-Anne Evans, Canada (Songs of a Pagan Place)

‘I hoped to learn more about classics/myth & how to use such references, something that has never been a strong point in my writing; I also am working on a manuscript and wanted to write a sequence of poems for this, with the common theme of modern myth. The challenge more than met my expectations, it was a great grounding in myth and I’ve already recommended it to others.’ — A. Byrne Keane, Ireland (Gods & Monsters)

‘Diving in to poetry writing can be overwhelming - especially if you have had no formal education in creative writing and like me, your literature studies ended at school. Angela's challenge was excellent as it encouraged and prompted without being condescending or even assuming we knew all about the myths and monsters! The effort she showed in researching the accompanying poetry and song as well as her invaluable hints when inspiration didn't flow so easily, was amazing. I've now got thirty poems in my notebook that I know would not have been there without her enthusiasm and expertise. And if I did it, Angela can help you do it too.’ — A. Foster, UK (Gods & Monsters)

As always with Angela's excellent prompts, "Gods and Monsters" went deep into the mythology (so I learned a number of new things!) but she also guided us well... The daily prompts motivated me to "show up at the page" to work every day, which opened up the gates to other new and unplanned poems. Discipline and inspiration combined in one: well worth your while!’ — C. Wellman, US (Gods & Monsters)

‘I really enjoyed the structure – those three inspirational poems, all, so far, new to me; the compelling rendering of story, and the writing suggestions. It helps that we become familiar with the shape of things. The structure manages to be both predictable but also entirely responsive to the themes, and helped me to shape the time for my writing.’ — C. McCullagh, UK (Gods & Monsters)

‘The course segued beautifully with what I have been building in my life, ie. more mindful awareness of creative process and self discipline to maintain process. Writing about and from ‘the body’ offered so many opportunities for developing reflective writing, depth, memory, craft and humour.’ — A. Breen, Australia (Miracle Machine)

‘I don't know how Angela manages to keep the ideas coming and the energy levels up! Miracle Machine 30 Days of Writing the Body was a wonderful, seamless experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm starting to think of the challenges as a way of storing up ideas to work on, this store of first drafts are my poetry preserves to see me through the winter.’ — S. Flynn, Ireland (Miracle Machine)

‘Without courses like these, the amount I write would be considerably less. The poems I produce are often little more than drafts, but I nearly always return to them months later and find a phrase or a structure which can be reused. The majority of my published poems began life in courses like these.’ — S. Watling, UK (Miracle Machine)

‘The Miracle Machine 30 Days of Writing the Body Challenge was inspirational, motivational, and challenging in all the best ways. The prompts were well researched, thoughtful and fun! The writing was encouraging and everyone was so talented.’ — J. Kerschbaum, US (Miracle Machine)

I joined the challenge with the intention to write daily and also to discover different sources of inspiration, provided by the prompts and the beautifully curated resources. In my artistic practice, the body plays an important role, the theme of this challenge was perfect to go out of my comfort zone and explore the body through words.’ — S. Gea, Spain (Miracle Machine)

‘The poetry challenge is like a key placed in your hand, giving freedom to open the many doors of imagination and inspiration. I really enjoy the challenge and how sometimes the poems take me up and down different pathways.’ — E. Homan, Ireland (Miracle Machine)

Winter Almanac | A Writing Journey in January
Miracle Machine | 30 Days of Writing the Body
Gods & Monsters | 30 Days of Writing the Greek Myths